Chemical Reduction
Harnessing powerful reducing compounds to chemically mitigate impacts in place!
The other half of a redox reaction, chemical reduction results in the gain of electrons. One of the reactants in the reaction is oxidized, losing electrons; the other reactant is reduced, gaining electrons. In In-Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR), reducing compounds—compounds that accept electrons given by other compounds in a reaction—are injected into the subsurface to transform contaminants into harmless compounds.
One of Canada’s most experienced firms in the design and implementation of In-Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) programs, we have conducted ISCR programs in a variety of geologic settings.

Important Considerations
1. Choosing the best reductant solution for the contaminant and conditions requires experience and sound scientific knowledge.
2. The persistence of the reductant in the subsurface affects the contact time for advective and diffusive transport.
3. The reaction rate in the subsurface must be stabilized in order to enhance transport distances and persistence.

A relatively recent in-situ method of environmental remediation, and the mirror process to Chemical Oxidation, Chemical Reduction uses powerful reductant solutions to break down contaminants into to less-toxic compounds and harmless by-products, by transferring electrons from the reductant to the compound of concern.
Ready to get started?
Speak with our engineering team about how our environmental remediation services can help you in your remediation journey and take the next steps to building a better environment and a cleaner community with your project.
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