CVOCs Remediation Using Zero Valent Iron (ZVI)
In Toronto, Ontario, groundwater at a commercial facility was impacted with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) including TCE and its daughter products cis 1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride. IRSL worked with the consultant to develop an injection program that addressed the impacts and provided contingencies in the event that assumptions were inaccuarate. Prior to implementing the full-scale program IRSL conducted a design verification program.
The high volume solution being injected caused challenges such as pure volume displacement issues, the facility was active and required a small injection footprint to minimize impact to clients.
The impacts on the site were addressed using the chemical reductant Zero Valent Iron (ZVI). The ZVI was injected into the impacted zones using direct push technology (DPT) at multiple locations and over multiple vertical intervals to create a reactive permeable zone (PRZ).
The program involed the injection of 45,900kg of ZVI over 120m width. Direct push technology was used to advance 209 injection locations over a six-week period.
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