Gasoline Remediation


The site of an active gas station with a fast-food drive-through in an urban area, required remediation to address residue contamination from historical gasoline leaks and spills. The small, heavily trafficked site required a discrete approach, based within a compact, self-contained infrastructure.


The existing system was reviewed, tested, and analyzed for its effectiveness, from both a technical and cost perspective. The results of the testing program revealed that the existing system was undersized at key points, which resulted in potential discharges of non-treated groundwater into the environment. IRSL redesigned and tested the modified system to ensure that no unauthorized discharges occurred.

The redesigned Pump & Treat system consisted of one well instrumented with a submersible pump, from which water was pumped into an above-ground system. The system was less than 12m2 and housed in a sound-proofed, secure container, in a small shed, creating a very small footprint. Recovered groundwater was treated to levels below the regulatory limits and disposed of into the sanitary sewer system, as per an agreement with the municipality.


System testing and modifications resulted in no further unauthorized discharges to the environment.

The modified treatment system met the discharge criteria.

Over the course of the project, operating and maintenance costs have decreased relative to inflation.

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